Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Think IT Simple, Stupid!!: Michelle Obama "The First Slut?"

Think IT Simple, Stupid!!: Michelle Obama "The First Slut?":        Is this proper representation from the First Lady of the                                 United States of America ? http://...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Michelle Obama "The First Slut?"

       Is this proper representation from the First Lady of the 
                               United States of America?

By March 12, 2013 0 Comments

First Lady Michelle Obama to Open Charm School After Leaving White House

(PP)- While her husband continued his high-profile charm offensive on Capitol Hill this week, First Lady Michelle Obama announced her own plans for inspiring more cordial behavior by opening a charm school at the end of her family’s term in the White House.
oboThe primary goal for the school will be to educate young American girls ages 12-17 about social etiquette, beginner’s public speaking, basic wardrobe building, proper skin care and make-up regimes, all designed to develop one’s self esteem.
“Madame Obama has a unique world view on how young ladies should conduct themselves and both of her daughters will be looking towards college once the family leaves the White House,” said one of the Michelle’s 108 assistants. “That opens up an opportunity for a few wealthy families to send their teen aged girls to learn how to be a lady from America’s most respected First Lady.”
First Lady Charm Schools will have specific programs for teen girls ages 12-17. This program provides well rounded curriculum designed to encourage it’s students to become good citizens in their schools and in their communities.
“Being married to the first socialist President of the United States has helped Madame Obama learn how to gracefully handle awkward situations and hostility toward her political viewpoint,” said the aide. “Her style is unlike any other First Lady and her ability to ignore cries for freedom from the common people is unrivaled. What better person to help elite young ladies learn how to be cold and calculating while disguising a heartless inner strength.”
The Palookaville Post has learned that Madame Obama will operate First Lady Charm Schools in Washington D.C and Chicago to start, with plans to expand to New York, Detroit, San Francisco and Honolulu in short measure. Schools in other liberal enclaves may follow depending on the level of support for the lofty $100,000 annual tuition.
In a related story, reports from Washington insiders are saying that the Federal government is considering offering subsidies to minority owned businesses which help students learn lessons appropriate for today’s world of belittling conservatives, and doing it with a smile.
Ace Cub Reporter Jimmy Olsentwins